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How to use Power PDF Advanced instead of Paper Processes (VIDEOS)

Remote working has actually raised issues that have always been there, but have essentially been ignored in the past. In this case, we're talking about paper processes - whereas in the office it may have been easy to hand a document to a colleague to annotate or edit or even sign, this has become a lot more difficult with everyone working in different locations. 

It's time to optimise these processes and find alternative ways to work on documents that doesn't include paper - one such way is to use Power PDF Advanced instead of paper processes. 

How to use Power PDF Advanced instead of Paper Processes

Kofax Power PDF Advanced is a quick and easy first step towards going digital, as it enables you to replace the most commonly used paper processes in your organisation.

Here are some of the key processes that people use paper for and how to use Power PDF Advanced instead:

Signing and Approving

One key process that paper is often still used for is signing and approving documents - here's how you can send a document to be signed, verified and updated:


Creating Forms

Form filling is another common paper process that usually involves sending or handing a document over to someone to add their information and then send it back. This takes time and when mistakes are made, can be difficult to correct. Power PDF Advanced allows you to create form fields as needed:


Editing Documents

We know that one of the reasons people still use paper documents is to edit them - another process that can easily be done with Power PDF Advanced. Here's how to do it:


Collaborating on Documents

Passing a piece of paper around for people to annotate and collaborate on is not an efficient process and it often leads to mistakes and multiple versions with different comments. Instead, everyone can collaborate and leave comments on one document:



These are just a few of the common paper processes that can be replaced by Power PDF Advanced - it is a quick and easy first step towards going digital. 

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