Meet the UT³ Team!

At UT³, we believe that behind every great success story, there is a team of talented individuals working tirelessly to achieve their goals. Allow us to introduce you to the amazing individuals who make up our dedicated team. Each member brings their unique skills, expertise, and passion, all united by a common vision of excellence and innovation.

Josh Weller, Business Development Executive

Josh joined the UT³ team in September 2022, straight out of university. In his role as Business Development Executive Josh helps prospects solve their business hardware challenges. When he’s not sending out InMails, emails or on the phone, you’ll be able to find him either playing football or watching it.

Josh’s work and interests, UT³ and football, go hand in hand with one another; one area in which he supports prospects is by improving their endpoint security, defending them from potential breaches. Likewise, on the pitch his position as centre-back means that he keeps his team secure.


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The future is agile

With UT³  you leverage 20 years of MPS experience and analytics.  We identified that the majority of MPS contracts use only A3 MFDs, yet print volumes were 1% or less of A3.

Are you curious about what your MPS agreement costs you?